
Updates from the Arroyo team

Arroyo + Warpstream

At Arroyo we're building a new stream processing engine to replace legacy Java systems like Flink and KSQL. So we were excited to see a project that's doing the same thing for Kafka. It's called WarpStream, and they're building a replacement for Kafka that's backed directly by S3.

Micah Wylde

Micah Wylde

CEO of Arroyo

At Arroyo we're building a new stream processing engine to replace legacy Java systems like Flink and KSQL. So I was excited to see a project that's doing the same thing for Kafka.

It's called WarpStream, and they're building a replacement for Kafka that's backed directly by S3. It has a Kafka compatible API so naturally I wanted to see how hard it would be to use as a source and sink in Arroyo.

Spoiler: it just works!

Here's the full query we end up writing:

create table warpstream (
  timestamp BIGINT,
  user_id TEXT,
  page_id TEXT,
  action TEXT,
  event_time TIMESTAMP GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CAST(from_unixtime(timestamp * 1000000000) as TIMESTAMP)),
  watermark TIMESTAMP GENERATED ALWAYS AS (CAST(from_unixtime(timestamp * 1000000000) as TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL '5' SECOND),
) WITH (
  connector = 'kafka',
  bootstrap_servers = '',
  topic = 'demo-stream',
  format = 'json',
  type = 'source',
  event_time_field = 'event_time',
  watermark_field = 'watermark'
  session('30 seconds') as window,
  sum(case when action = 'click' then 1 else 0 end) as clicks,
  sum(case when action = 'scroll' then 1 else 0 end) as scrolls,
  sum(case when action = 'hover' then 1 else 0 end) as hovers
from warpstream
group by window, user_id;