Updates from the Arroyo team
Fast columnar JSON decoding with arrow-rs
JSON is the most common serialization format used in streaming pipelines, so it pays to be able to deserialize it fast. This post covers in detail how the arrow-json library works to perform very efficient columnar JSON decoding, and the additions we've made for streaming use cases.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Building a near-real-time data lake with the LOAD stack
January 23, 2025
The LOAD stack (log storage/object storage/Arroyo/DuckDB) makes it easy to build an affordable real-time data lake with minimal operational overhead. This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up a complete system on AWS.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.13.0
December 19, 2024
Arroyo 0.13 is now available! This release introduces support for reading source metadata, a RabbitMQ connector, improved CDC support, operator chaining, along with many other improvements.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Talk: Latency, Throughput, Fault Tolerance
November 1, 2024
Arroyo creator Micah Wylde recently spoke at P99Conf, discussing how Arroyo achieves low-latency and high-throughput while maintaining fault tolerance and fast recovery times

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.12.0
September 24, 2024
Arroyo 0.12 is now available! This release introduces Python UDFs, Protobuf ingestion, JSON syntax, custom state TTLs, and many other features, improvements, and fixes.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Serverless Arroyo pipelines on
August 28, 2024
Arroyo is the easiest way to build real-time data pipelines, and is the easiest way to run them. This tutorial shows how to use the new pipeline cluster feature in Arroyo 0.11 to build a streaming pipeline and a web app that consumes it, all running on Fly's serverless infrastructure.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.11.0
July 2, 2024
Arroyo 0.11 is now available! This release introduces pipeline clusters for lightweight, self-contained job execution, and SQLite support for simplified deployments. It also brings a new configuration system, improved UI for pipeline creation and previewing, SQL enhancements, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

How to build a plugin system in Rust
May 29, 2024
Software used by businesses often needs to be extensible. For Arroyo, a real-time SQL engine, that means supporting user-defined functions (UDFs). But how can we support dynamic, user-written code in a static language like Rust? This post dives deep into the technical details of building a dynamically-linked, FFI-based plugin system in Rust.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.10.0
April 25, 2024
Arroyo 0.10 is now available! This is our biggest release ever, featuring an entirely new SQL engine that's >3x faster and ships as a single binary. Plus NATS and MQTT connectors, more SQL features, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

We built a new SQL Engine on Arrow and DataFusion
March 12, 2024
Arroyo 0.10 has an entirely new SQL engine built with Apache Arrow and DataFusion. It's much faster, smaller, and easier to run. Read on for why and how we're making this change.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Confluent & Arroyo: Partnering to Bring Real-time SQL to Kafka
February 6, 2024
We are excited to announce that Arroyo is now a Connect with Confluent Partner, making it easier than ever for Confluent customers to integrate with the Arroyo platform. Arroyo extends Kafka with powerful stateful stream processing support, enabling businesses to analyze their data in real-time using SQL.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

What is stateful stream processing?
January 22, 2024
Arroyo is a stateful stream processing engine—which means that it's able to remember information about previously seen events, enabling features like joins, windows, and aggregations. When should you choose a stateless or a stateful streaming system? And how do stateful engines like Arroyo and Flink mitigate the difficulty of dealing with large amounts of state?

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.9.0
January 17, 2024
Arroyo 0.9 is now available! This release introduces async UDFs, which allow users to use databases, services, and models from within their pipelines. It also brings support for joining update tables, more control over bad data handling, a redesigned connection profile editor, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

2023 Year in Review
December 21, 2023
It's been a big year for Arroyo! We launched the company, open-sourced the engine, and did 8 releases. Here's a look back at our very exciting 2023.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Using Kafka with Rust
December 12, 2023
Apache Kafka is a distributed log that's a great fit for streaming applications, microservice architectures, and more. In this post, we will learn how to use Kafka with applications written in Rust.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Parsing custom formats with UDFs
December 6, 2023
User-defined functions (UDFs) allow users to extend Arroyo with new functionality by writing Rust code. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to use UDFs to parse a custom data format: the Common Log Format used by Apache HTTP and other web servers.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.8.0
November 28, 2023
Arroyo 0.8 is now available, with a new FileSystem source, Delta Lake sink, Redis sink, Avro support, global UDFs, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

What is streaming SQL?
November 15, 2023
What does it mean to apply SQL—a batch-oriented query language—to streams of data that are never complete? Read on for a deep dive into streaming SQL in Arroyo and other engines.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Running Arroyo on EKS
November 9, 2023
The easiest way to run a highly-scaled production Arroyo cluster is on Kubernetes. Setting up a Kubernetes cluster used to be a daunting task, but services like Amazon EKS have made it much easier. This post will walk through how to set up an EKS cluster and deploy Arroyo to it.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Can you replace Prometheus with a stream processor?
October 26, 2023
Recent versions of Arroyo have added support for HTTP sources, and treating individual lines of a response as streaming messages. So I wondered: could we use Arroyo to directly process metrics?

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.7.0
October 17, 2023
Arroyo 0.7.0 is now available, with custom partitioning for s3 writes, message framing, unnest, union, state compaction, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Rust is the best language for data infra
September 27, 2023
Arroyo is written in Rust, a modern systems language. We think it's become the best choice for writing high-performance systems like databases and stream processing engines. Read on for why we chose Rust, and what we've learned along the way.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.6.0
September 14, 2023
Arroyo 0.6 brings support for Google Cloud Storage, user-defined aggregate functions, SQL correctness tests, and more

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Streaming data to S3 is surprisingly hard
September 8, 2023
Arroyo 0.5 added the FileSystem connector, a high-performance, transactional sink that lets you write pipeline outputs to file systems and object stores like S3—and makes Arroyo a great tool for performing real-time ETL. This turns out to be surprisingly tricky to do well. Read on for a deep dive into how Arroyo solved this with a new checkpointing strategy and some clever Parquet tricks.

Jackson Newhouse
CTO of Arroyo

Real-time Web Analytics with Arroyo
September 5, 2023
Working with real-time data can be daunting. We're working to solve that by building a new stream processing engine that's easy enough for anyone to use. So how easy is it to solve real-world streaming problems with Arroyo today? I decided to find out.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Arroyo + Warpstream
August 22, 2023
At Arroyo we're building a new stream processing engine to replace legacy Java systems like Flink and KSQL. So we were excited to see a project that's doing the same thing for Kafka. It's called WarpStream, and they're building a replacement for Kafka that's backed directly by S3.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.5.0
August 16, 2023
Release 0.5 of Arroyo is all about connectors. We've added a high-performance transactional FileSystem sink, exactly-once Kafka support, a Kinesis connector, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Why Not Flink?
July 18, 2023
Flink is a mature and powerful streaming engine. So why didn't we build Arroyo on top of it?

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.4.0
July 13, 2023
With the 0.4.0 release we've added Debezium support, a new REST API, and made the process of contributing connectors much easier

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.3.0
June 2, 2023
The Arroyo 0.3.0 release adds UDFs, DDL statements, custom event time and watermarks, web UI improvements, and more.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo
End-to-end SQL tests with Rust proc macros
May 8, 2023
Testing a complex system like Arroyo is hard. But with Rust's powerful proc macros, we're able to easily produce end-to-end tests of our SQL features.

Jackson Newhouse
CTO of Arroyo

Announcing Arroyo 0.2.0
May 2, 2023
Arroyo 0.2.0 brings a number of improvements including native Kubernetes support, new SQL features, and many other fixes and improvements.

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

Open-sourcing the Arroyo Streaming Engine
April 5, 2023
After launching our state-of-the-art cloud real-time data processor, we're opening up the technology that powers it: the Arroyo streaming engine

Micah Wylde
CEO of Arroyo

10x faster sliding windows: how our Rust streaming engine beats Flink
March 18, 2023
Arroyo's Rust-based stream processing engine outperforms Apache Flink in sliding window queries due to its efficient algorithms that maintain near-constant throughput even with smaller slides and larger windows

Jackson Newhouse
CTO of Arroyo